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President Nixon as Midwife for the Birth of Enviromental Law - 2016年6月


By 吉姆·朗 - 2016年6月

Whether he actually said it or not, Winston Churchill gets credit for the quote that “Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else.”


11月11日凯霍加河火灾. 3, 1952.  Courtesy of Special Collections, Michael Schwartz
Library at Cleveland State University (from the Cuyahoga River – Fires, Accidents Collection)

When deciding how much pollution may be released into our surroundings and whether there should be a financial charge for the privilege of releasing pollution, Americans indeed did try “everything else” for a very long time.  没有人喜欢这样的结果, except perhaps those who over a period of two centuries benefited from the privilege of releasing their pollution 免费.  在五六十年代 the people of Los Angeles were breathing some of the dirtiest air in the world.  When a smog attack hit Los Angeles during World War II, serious inquiry was made to determine whether the Japanese had launched a chemical attack on the city.  1969年1月, a “blowout” at a Union Oil Company oil platform six miles offshore in the Pacific Ocean released 200,000 gallons of crude oil 在11天的时间里. The oil marred 35 miles of coastline near Santa Barbara, California. 1969年6月, the Cuyahoga River burst into flames in Cleveland, 俄亥俄州, after sparks from a passing train set fire to oil-soaked debris floating on the surface of the water.  The photo above shows the Cuyahoga River on fire in 1952, one of the many times that the river caught fire because, as suggested in the quote attributed to Winston Churchill, Americans are known for trying “everything else” before settling on “the right thing”. 

During the two centuries when Americans were trying “everything else” producers of goods, and the consumers of those goods, had grown quite accustomed to releasing their waste wherever they pleased, 不管毒性有多大, 在将, 免费, no matter the financial cost imposed on others, which cost came about in the form of illness (think 烟雾引起的癌症或哮喘),失业(想想 reduced employment for watermen when pollution destroys the oyster or crab population in the 切萨皮克 Bay), and reduced value for private property (think plummeting value of waterfront land on the Cuyahoga River after the fire).  货物卖得很便宜。 人为压低价格, and this anomaly would continue until the price consumers paid for goods included the cost to dispose of the waste generated during production.

The late 1960’s and early 1970’s brought the first meaningful steps to end the free disposal of waste into our surroundings.  1972 was the year that President Richard Nixon signed the Clean Water Act 成为法律, preceded in 1969 and 1970 by his signing of the National Environmental Policy Act and the Clean Air Act, 分别, 成为法律.  President Nixon’s midwifery of environmental law came to an end with his departure from office in 1974.  The next significant piece of environmental legislation, 现金网官网, 保护和恢复法, was signed 成为法律 by President Ford in 1976.

吉姆·朗彭德尔 & 现金网官网 shareholder, focuses his practice on water and environmental law.
联系 him with questions by calling (757) 502-7326 或者发邮件给 jlang@yildizsozluk.net .